Tire recycling

Tire Recycling

Tire Recycling: Accelerating the Circular Economy  Tire recycling is the process of converting end-of-life tires into material that can be utilized in new products. There are over one billion end-of-life tires generated annually worldwide according to the EPA. Around 249 million tires were generated in the U.S. in 2017 alone. Tires do not decompose. When tires pile up in landfills or junkyards, they can release chemicals into the air, ground, and water which impact ecosystems. As tires are exposed to sunlight, they can breakdown and release GHG into the air.

Tire Recycling process system integrationThe World Economic Forum defines the Circular Economy as – “a system that is regenerative by design. It replaces the end-of-life concept with restoration, shifts towards the use of renewable energy, eliminates use of toxic chemicals which impair reuse and return to the biosphere, and aims for the elimination of waste through design of materials, products, systems, and business models.”  

There are many challenges when trying to accelerate circular economy adoption. These include formulation optimization, production optimization, increased production flexibility, and bringing new recycling processes to market quickly and profitably. Avid helps our clients bring these new production plants and processes to market quickly to be operationally ready on day one!


Solutions for Tire Recycling Plants

  • Front-End Loading (FEL) services to set scope, schedules, and project execution requirements based on your needs.
  • Smart manufacturing solutions to optimize and de-bottleneck recycling operations.
  • Use of scalable platforms and industry experience to quickly take ideas and start-ups to production.
  • IIoT and Manufacturing Operations Management systems to measure, analyze, and improve raw material usage and waste generation.

If you’re struggling how to accelerate your transition to a circular production model, we can help! 

Why work with Avid?

  • We are focused on operations, optimization, and predicting asset issues that adversely affect sustainability efforts.
  • We understand purposeful innovation is key to solving circular economy challenges at scale.
  • We are built on agility.
  • We’re a low-impedance partner, easy to do business with.


If you are ready to INNOVATE, OPTIMIZE, and TRANFORM your operations, Avid is eager to help! Contact Avid here for an initial discussion.

For additional insights or to learn more on how we solve client issues, check out our xTend and xTensibility  programs.

Eliminate Unplanned Downtime

Unplanned Downtime

We provide technologies to monitor asset health and predict failure events in rotating equipment. Learn More

Optimize Asset and Process Performance

Asset Optimization

We integrate digitally enabled technologies to monitor and optimize control performance of critical processes.

Eliminate Non-Value Added Costs

Sustainable Profitability

We employ state of the art technologies that lower installed and life cycle costs for digitization and modernization projects.