Chemicals thought Leadership

Specialty & Ag-Chemical Thought Leadership 

Understanding specialty and agricultural chemical plant operations is essential when selecting a partner for your next project. These industries operate in a highly-regulated and safety-critical environment with aging assets. A deep knowledge of these operations ensures your chosen partner can implement innovative solutions to improve your efficiency and reduce your risks. Thought leadership is not simply understanding that you face obsolescence, a shortage of qualified resources to operate plants, insufficient OpEx to maximize asset utilization, and how to invest in Digital Solutions, but a pragmatic approach to help you develop strategies to address your unique needs. 

Proper up-front engineering is crucial to match the right technology and project execution to your unique problem. All solutions should consider the reality assets fail and human error exists requiring robust designs. For Digital Transformation and Plant Modernizations, the focus is on phased implementations which are scalable. Your Digital Transformation requires a strategy which minimizes random acts of digitalization and focuses on quick sprints to build momentum and buy-in. From there, you can scale effectively.

By participating in project development talks, regional alliances, trade associations, technology partner strategy roadmaps, and tradeshows, you gain the benefit of our expertise. This allows us to better understand your specific challenges from your peers in the industry and provide you with tailored solutions. Here’s a sample of how you can benefit from our involvement.

  • ISA – International Society of Automation
  • ACC – American Chemistry Council
  • Southeast Hydrogen Alliance – Promote Green H2 Economy
  • CAZ – Chemical Alliance Zone
  • ANNA – Ammonium Nitrate/Nitric Acid (ANNA) Conference
  • IFA – International Fertilizer Association
  • SOCMA – Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates
  • Rockwell Automation – Automation Fair Chemical Forum
  • ChemShow – Bi-Annual Chemical Show
  • Specialty & Custom Chemicals America Show – Spec-Chem Show
  • WasteExpo – Annual WasteExpo
  • AiChE – American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Avid’s Solutions For Specialty & Ag-Chemicals

Why work with Avid?

  • We’ve been in your shoes. We leverage deep operational experience to help you manufacture smarter.
  • We act like an owner, we are built on agility, and we excel at purpose-driven innovation.
  • We are focused on operations, predicting asset issues, lowering unplanned downtime, and driving down support costs.
  • We are a pacesetter in remote system deployment, support, and optimization.
  • We’re a low-impedance partner and easy to do business with.

We Can Help!

If you are ready to INNOVATE, OPTIMIZE, and TRANSFORM your operations, Avid is eager to help! Contact Avid for an initial discussion. For additional insights or to learn more on how we solve client issues, check out our services

Eliminate Unplanned Downtime

Unplanned Downtime

We provide technologies to monitor asset health and predict failure events in rotating equipment. Learn More

Optimize Asset and Process Performance

Asset Optimization

We integrate digitally enabled technologies to monitor and optimize control performance of critical processes.

Eliminate Non-Value Added Costs

Sustainable Profitability

We employ state of the art technologies that lower installed and life cycle costs for digitization and modernization projects.