SCADA Implementation for New Aseptic Fill Line

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SCADA Implementation for New Aseptic Fill Line
Client Profile

A major pharmaceutical company enlisted Avid Solutions to help install a new Aseptic Fill line in their primary Fill / Finish facility. Being that the project was to be executed in an operating site, Avid faced numerous challenges, including the necessity to minimize production downtime.

A key element of the project was the implementation of a new SCADA system across the new fill line. Avid was responsible for setting up the SCADA infrastructure that would be used by each of the OEM vendors. After careful consideration, Rockwell’s FactoryTalk View SE was chosen as the SCADA platform as it would achieve the goals of the project. Since multiple OEM vendors were involved in delivering over a dozen individual unit operations, it was important for our team to work closely with each of the OEMs to minimize qualification once the systems were delivered. Each vendor was provided with a standalone virtual host with the required software, and for consistency across the OEMs, Avid provided a standard FactoryTalk SE application. The vendors developed on these virtual environments, and when the physical host was returned, they were installed as is into the operating facility. This achieved the desired result of minimizing qualification as the ACTUAL application as tested at FAT was installed, not migrated.

The client relied on Avid’s experience to build a solution that met each of the site’s requirements including operability, strong data integrity, and ease of installation. Avid’s expertise in Virtualization, SCADA design, and system maintenance was invaluable to making the project a success. Our team implemented the entire virtual infrastructure and was onsite to provide seamless startup of each SCADA component. The project objectives were achieved through Avid Solutions’ design and coordination, and the client was extremely satisfied with the outcome.


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