Chemical Plant

Estimated Cost of Instrument Testing - Chemical Plant

How much can be saved using Avid’s services and the aeShield application?

Assuming current testing intervals are every year, and that 75% of the instruments testing intervals can be extended by one year, a chemicals producers maintenance department can expect to save between $11,100,000 and $23,100,000 every two years.

Key Factors Affecting Costs:

  • Number of Instruments: A large chemical plant typically involves 10,000 to 20,000 instruments, including critical process monitoring, safety systems, and environmental controls.
  • Types of Instruments: Common instruments include flow meters, pressure and temperature transmitters, gas analyzers, control valves, and critical safety systems such as pressure relief devices.
  • Regulatory and Safety Requirements: Chemical plants must adhere to strict environmental (EPA), safety (OSHA), and industry-specific standards (e.g., API for equipment handling hazardous materials).

This estimate reflects the complexity of instrument testing in a large chemical plant, where hazardous material handling, safety systems, and regulatory compliance drive significant costs for instrument testing.

Instruments Testing Requirements​ Testing Cost Per Instrument​
Flow Meters Calibration to ensure precision in chemical flow rates, often critical in batch processing and continuous production systems $500 - $900
Pressure Transmitters Calibration and verification to monitor pressure in reactors, distillation columns, and pipelines $300 - $600
Temperature Transmitters Calibration for temperature control in reactors, heat exchangers, and distillation systems $250 - $500
Level Sensors Calibration for accurate level measurements in storage tanks, reactors, and vessels $350 - $600
Control Valves & Actuators Stroke testing, positioner calibration, and diagnostics in critical process control $500 to $800
Safety Instruments Compliance testing and functional checks to ensure performance in safety-critical events $600 - $1,200
Gas Analyzers Calibration and functional checks for monitoring hazardous gases or chemical purity $700 - $1,200
Labor Details Cost
Technician Hourly Rate​ Average rate for technicians​ $125 - $200 / hour
Time per Instrument (Basic)​ 1 - 1.5 hours/instrument​
Time per Instrument (Complex)​​ 2 - 3 hours/instrument​
Labor Cost per Instruments​ (Basic) ~12,000 instruments at 1 - 1.5 hours each​ $1,800,000 - $2,700,000
Labor Cost per Instruments​ (Complex) ~8,000 instruments at 2 - 3 hours each​ $2,800,000 - $4,200,000
Total Labor Cost Estimate​ $4,600,000 - $6,900,000
Equipment Details Cost
Calibration Equipment Rental Rental cost per week​ $2,500 - $6,000
Total Equipment Cost Estimate​ $50,000 to $100,000
Documentation Details Cost
Regulatory Compliance​ Cost per instrument for documentation​ $100 - $250​
Total Documentation Cost Estimate​ $1,000,000 - $5,000,000

Additional Factors

  • Outsourced Services: Some chemical plants may opt for third-party services for specialized testing, particularly in hazardous areas (e.g., explosion-proof environments). This can add an 10-15% premium.
  • Testing Frequency: Critical safety and environmental instruments are often required to be tested annually or semi-annually to comply with regulations.

Summary of Costs

  • Basic Instrument Testing (12,000 instruments):
    • Instrument cost: $250 to $600 per instrument
    • Total: $3,000,000 to $7,200,000
  • Complex Instrument Testing (8,000 instruments):
    • Instrument cost: $600 to $1,200 per instrument
    • Total: $4,800,000 to $9,600,000
  • Labor Costs:
    • Total labor estimate: $4,600,000 to $6,900,000
  • Equipment Rental:
    • Total equipment cost: $50,000 to $100,000
  • Documentation and Reporting:
    • Total documentation cost: $1,000,000 to $5,000,000

Overall Cost Estimate

  • Lower Estimate: $13,450,000 to $14,800,000
  • Higher Estimate: $28,850,000 to $30,800,000


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